Investicijų vadovas
Paulius Stulgaitis

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Currently, I am heading investment department at Eika Asset Management. It could be highlighted that I am a skilled real estate professional with broad experience, including private equity advisory and real estate investments.

I began my professional career by joining Medicinos Bank, where I worked as a financial market analyst. More specifically, I focused on credit and market risks. Following this, I joined Ekistics Property Advisors, where I was responsible for screening and modelling of investment opportunities in UK and Germany, analysing data from the real estate market and macro-economic research, as well as providing general transaction support. I also was Senior Investment Consultant at CBRE Baltics, where I got tremendous experience in investment activity across Baltics.


Eika Asset Management
Eika Asset Management" (EAM) investicijų valdymo profesionalai, sukaupę daugiau nei 15-os metų patirtį komercinės ir gyvenamosios paskirties nekilnojamojo turto plėtojime. Išmano nekilnojamojo turto rinką, geba ją analizuoti bei atskleisti investicines galimybes ir rizikas. Turi ilgametės patirties tarptautinėje investicijų konsultavimo veikloje, fondų analizėje, gerai išmano fondų teisinius bei reguliavimo aspektus įvairiose jurisdikcijose.