Marketing & Communication Manager
Vilma Songailaitė-Mininger

Mentorship area


Mentorships: 1

Mentor is unavailable

Will be available on 2025 05 08

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We can talk in:
Lithuanian English



My experience covers various areas of communication and marketing. I have worked with:
- internal and external communication;
- brand creation and development;
- graphic design;
- event organization;
- exhibition planning and execution;
- social media strategies and advertising;
- content creation and
- a multitude of talented and interesting people! 😊

What I love most is collaboration – finding common ground among people, departments, or companies, giving it meaning, and telling their stories. It is important to me that what I do is meaningful to me, the company I work for, and society, so I always try to get involved and encourage my colleagues to engage in social activities – volunteering, health challenges, and exposure to art in various forms and ways.

Having had the opportunity to work with students and mentor them, I know how meaningful and enjoyable that experience can be. If you think I could be of help with my experience or stories, it would truly make my day. 😊


Aros Marine
Mūsų istorija prasidėjo daugiau nei prieš 15 metų. Per tą laiką išaugome nuo 5 iki daugiau kaip 650 kvalifikuotų ir patyrusių darbuotojų visame pasaulyje. Specializuojamės laivų renovacijos projektų srityje, teikiame interjero dizaino ir šildymo, vėdinimo ir oro kondicionavimo (ŠVOK) sistemų įrengimo sprendimus, bei įvairaus masto ir sudėtingumo išsamius inžinerinius bei projektinius sprendimus. Nesvarbu, ar tai didžiulis prabangus kruizinis laineris, ar mažas keltas, mūsų tikslas visuomet toks pat – užtikrinti, kad klientas būtų patenkintas galutiniu rezultatu ir galėtų juo didžiuotis.