ceo & founder
Saulius Alksnis

Mentorship area

Mentorships: 34 / Reviews: 11

Mentor is unavailable

Will be available on 2025 05 24

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Lithuanian English


Hi, my name is Saulius Alksnis, I’m a founder of superb career mentoring platform idialogue and EMCC Accredited Mentor. Being an expert in career development and mentoring topics, I consult and inspire organizations to find a right fit for people and meet their leadership potential by tasting fruits of mentorship.

Purpose and goal of my life, which motivates and drives me further, fits into four words – to help people grow. We all constantly face ups & downs, and all we miss is a hand to stand up. Being a passionate lifelong learner in people development field, I strive to make an impact with the help of creativity – either it’s written words, storytelling, consultation, training or individual sharing and/or support. Nevertheless, leadership grows leadership.


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