Mentorship area
From working with different people and activities in various non-profit organizations, organizing events and conferences, working with communication and human resources, to studying and pursuing one of the world's oldest specialization - pharmacy. After five years of experience at the University, I am eager to share it with those who are still starting their career and looking for themselves.
I started my Pharmacy studies at VU in 2015 and as a member of the first class of pharmacists, I have seen how the study program has grown in five years and the opportunities that this career path opens up. I chose this path because I was fascinated by the process of drug development and working in the laboratory, but during my studies, thanks to additional activities, I had the opportunity to discover other interesting areas and to learn about the importance of interdisciplinarity in pharmacy.
During my studies, I was actively involved in the Student Representative Office, mainly in communication and human resources management, contributed to the international life sciences conference The COINS, organizing MeDi Medical Days, the management of the Student Life Guide project, was active in the Student Pharmacists' Association (SFD), the Lithuanian Pharmaceutical Union (LFS) and the Vilnius Lyceum Alumni Association (LA), and worked for two years at the pharmacy of UAB BENU, Lietuva. Given the number of activities I have tried different methods of activity and time planning, and learning, I would be happy to help in these areas.
When choosing a pharmacy degree, it is not always clear what to expect, and sometimes there is disappointment when it was not the first choice, when there were no clear goals, or when the expectations were set too high. In this case, I can help you to understand the career path you have chosen and your motivation to move forward.
After graduation, I am continuing my research path with a PhD at Uppsala University. Here I am focusing on the pharmacokinetics of drugs - how drug molecules move through the body, where they accumulate, and how certain processes can be influenced to reduce the risk of adverse effects.
In addition to science and communication, I'm interested in personal development, meditation, and alternative medicine, so let's talk about that too!
Training for students:
Leadership and teamwork;
Public Speaking;
Time Management; Leadership and Leadership Training;
Handling situations and taking responsibility;
Feedback and how to give it to others.
Mentorė padėjo apsispręsti, išsamiai atsakė į užduotus klausimus.
Mentorė labai pagelbėjo kilus abejonėms dėl ateities. Patarimai ir suteiktos galimybės palengvino naštą, susijusią su tolimesnėmis studijomis, farmacijos darbo galimybėmis, ir padėjo apsispręsti, ką toliau daryti ir link kur eiti.
Janė Jevgenija
Labai atsakingas žmogus! Milda palaikanti, geraširdė ir kartu visuomet stengėsi pažiūrėti į mano sunkumus sistemiškai, apmąstyti, kaip galėčiau išugdyti savyje organizuotumą planuojant ir vykdant mokslus bei kitus darbus. Milda pačia savimi įkvepia ir rodo, koks nuostabus, įtraukiantis ir beribis gali būti mokslas. Ačiū tau!!!