Mentorship area
Growing in my career from a simple designer and salesman to a commercial director over 12 years, I have been exposed to a wide range of challenges and experiences in both engineering and sales. I have experienced many things first hand and now realise that it might have been easier if I had had a mentor who had stopped me from putting my hands and sometimes my head in the fire.
After going through this school of life, I feel the urge to share what I have experienced with those who are on a similar path and to help avoid unnecessary painful lessons. Sometimes one good example is enough to save a year or more of stagnation.
So whether you want to start a career in sales, are a new sales manager and don't know where to start, want to make a radical career change or a big change. I can tell you frankly what difficulties I faced and how I overcame them. There are no easy paths, but there are paths that lead to results with confidence.
Let's talk!
Labai dėkingas. Dirbu su NT pardavimais, tuo pat metu studijuoju, tragiškai reikėjo aiškios ir struktūrizuotos darbo sistemos, kad galėčiau derinti mokslus su karjera. Su Luko pagalba, tą ir pavyko susikurti. Išsiaiškinau nemažai spragų, kurių prieš mentorystę nebuvau pastebėjęs, po kiekvieno susitikimo išsiaiškindavau aiškius žingsnius, kuriuos turiu nueiti, kad tas spragas užglaistyčiau. Dabar dirbu daug produktyviau, pats dėl to mažiau stresuoju ir Luko pagalbos dėka turiu aiškų planą ateičiai. Rekomenduoju :)