Mentorship area
For nearly 20 years, I led business development and marketing teams in international and Baltic companies. This experience opened doors to some of the most advanced schools of marketing and allowed me to contribute to the strategies and ambitious goals of renowned brands such as Coca-Cola, LEGO, and Mothercare and others.
Yet, the greatest gift of this journey was the people—business owners, leaders, colleagues, and team members. They gave me opportunities to grow, learn through mistakes, and discover that the greatest joy lies in helping others grow.
This realization inspired me to pursue coaching—a path where my goal is to help people grow by encouraging them to dream boldly and create their own paths.
Do you feel like you’re not where you want to be?
Where do your strengths lie, and how can you leverage them to build a meaningful career direction?What opportunities exist in marketing, especially in the context of AI? Could creating a multi-disciplinary portfolio be an option for you?
Which skills are worth developing to achieve your goals, and how can you do so effectively? I’ll help you see the bigger picture, dream courageously, and create a practical growth plan together.
How can you become the kind of leader people want to follow?How can you foster collaboration, drive engagement, and encourage accountability in your team?
How can you shift from control to trust, directing your energy not to firefighting but to finding innovations that streamline and accelerate work processes? How can you transform your mindset and that of your colleagues to create a culture where you, your team, and your organization can thrive? Together, we’ll find ways to inspire change that brings long-term value.
Life isn’t a straight line. Sometimes it feels like you’re stuck in professional stagnation. In those moments, it’s important to pause, reflect, and make conscious choices.
My goal is to be by your side—to help you discover what steps to take to make your work a meaningful and fulfilling part of your life.
If you’re looking for support, a broader perspective, or the courage to take a new step, reach out to me.
Inga yra nuostabi moteris ir labai įžvalgus žmogus, padedantis ieškoti ir geriau suprasti save. Mentorystės patirtis labai padėjo geriau pažinti man savo norus, gyvenimo viziją ir rasti atspirties taškus eiti pirmyn. Kiekvienas jos klausimas ir dalinimasis asmenine patirtimi buvo be galo vertingi ir nuoširdūs. Ačiū už įkvėpimą gyventi su polėkiu ir drąsą imti iš gyvenimo kuo daugiau. Linkiu didžiausios sėkmės ateityje!