Mentorship area
I am Ieva, IT project and people manager whose mission is to empower people to achieve more and inspire to seek positivity in everyday life. I have been working in the IT field for 5+ years. After graduating from VU software engineering studies, I started my career as a tester and over time I realized that my strong qualities are revealed in working with teams and people. For this reason, I moved step by step (and sometimes it seems that these were bold steps) into the role of project manager.
I am currently on my way to an ICF coaching certification to transform simple conversations into empowering and nurturing ones.
I believe that my accumulated and continuously accumulated experience can help You, a young specialist, to step more strongly towards your desired career, and perhaps even to find a field that suits you. Meanwhile, I myself am motivated to learn from the mentoring experience and grow as a person and a professional.
If my description resonated, let's connect :)
Pirmasis pokalbis su Ieva buvo malonus, bet kalbantis tapo aišku, kad mūsų keliai nevisai sutampa. Nepaisant to, Ieva pateikė naudingos informacijos kaip rasti tinkamesnį mentorių, kaip megzti profesinius ryšius naujoje aplinkoje. Šią mentorę siūlyčiau projektų vadovėms, ar siekiančioms šio karjeros kelio. Akivaizdu, kad Ieva turi ne tik įvairialypės patirties ir entuziasmo ja dalintis, bet ir noro išgirsti kitų patirtis.