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Hi, I am Gintvile (Ginny). I graduated from BSc Genetics at Vilnius University in 2014 and decided to continue with my studies abroad. For my MSc I specialized in cancer biology and in 2016 graduated from Molecular biosciences program at Heidelberg University and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Subsequently, I stayed in Heidelberg for my PhD and in 2020 I graduated from Heidelberg University with PhD in Natural Sciences, specializing in pediatric neuro-oncology, epigenetics and personalized medicine. I stayed at DKFZ for a year as a postdoctoral fellow and in February of 2022 I started as a postdoctoral research associate at one of the best pediatric hospitals in the world, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis (TN, USA). More
Labai džiaugiuosi, kad turėjau galimybę susipažinti su mentore Gintvile. Jos patirties pasidalinimas mokslo srityje buvo itin vertingas – pasisėmiau naujų idėjų ir įkvėpimo. Esu dėkinga už jos įžvalgas ir įkvepiantį požiūrį, kuris paskatino naujai pažvelgti į savo mokslinį kelią.