Mentorship area
I firmly believe in sharing knowledge from my own experiences. Over the years, I've gathered a diverse set of skills and insights. I bring 18 years of experience in leading both small and large teams, along with a deep understanding of leadership dynamics developed over five years. My journey includes both challenges and triumphs: I've navigated through two startups that didn't succeed and one that did, learning valuable lessons from each. I Have little experience of mentoring in Canada and four years in developing people and organizations. Additionally, I have a year's experience in consulting for startups.
While I've earned various qualifications, I value practical application of knowledge above all. Some of this I use regularly, while other learnings are more foundational.
If my background and skills resonate with what you're looking for, I'm here to offer guidance and support. Don't hesitate to reach out if you think I can assist you in any way.
Mentorė visu mentorystės metu vedė ieškoti sąžiningumo ir noširdumo su savimi, perklausiant kai kurių klausimų kelis kartus iš skirtingų pusių, iki kol mes rasdavome atsakymus. Esu labai dėkinga mentorei už kantrybę ir už stiprinimą savirealizacijos kelyje !