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    formed mentorship pairs

For improvement

Neringa Sendriūtė Practical advice
The mindset of a stress expert. How do you find the calmness in the storm?
In order for him to be able to help others cope with their emotional challenges, he had to win his own internal fights. Today, Simonas Niedvaras carries not only the title of idialogue mentor, but also the role of a stress instructor, and Simonas's new book "The mindset of a stress expert" encouraged us to delve deeper into the topic of stress understanding and stress processing. In this article, Simonas shares his personal encounters with stress and practical insights on how to allow yourself to feel and act when feeling. In other words, how do you find the calmness in the storm?
Skaityti toliau
neringa Courses
Tarptautinės organizacijos tarptautinė mentorystės programa: ko Baltijos šalių vadovai gali pasimokyti vieni iš kitų
„Luminor“ banko Mokymų partnerė Danguolė Maslienė akcentuoja, kad sklandus vadovų bendradarbiavimas, komandiškumas ir lyderystės principų puoselėjimas yra svarbus ne tik dėl jų sklandaus ir sėkmingo darbo bei profesinio augimo, tačiau ir dėl sektino pavyzdžio formavimo darbuotojams. Jeigu mokosi ir auga vadovai, darbuotojai taip pat yra motyvuoti tobulėti.
Skaityti toliau
neringa Success story
Gerovės mentoriai: kaip jie prisideda prie darbuotojų ir organizacijos klestėjimo?
Pasak Agnės Gorpiničienės, kai kalbame apie darbuotojo emocinę sveikatą, svarbu suprasti, kad į darbą ateina ne funkcija, o žmogus. „Ar įmanoma pasamdyti tik vieną asmenybės dalį – jo žinias, bet ne visa kita, kas jį sudaro? Manau, kad ne. Ir jei mes renkamės pamatyti visą žmogų ir jį stiprinti, palaikyti, gauname kur kas didesnę vertę“, – įsitikinusi A. Gorpiničienė.
Skaityti toliau

Take a step forward

75% of the most successful world leaders pointed out the presence of Mentor as a factor that played a key role in their careers. By sharing their experience, insights and recommendations, they help to go the road to success not only faster, but also more productively by increasing competitiveness, raising competence, expanding the network of acquaintances, and discovering new opportunities. There is a natural question: are you really still hesitating?

I want to find a Mentor What does a Mentee need?

Start sharing:

One of our Mentors once said: “If you want to add some water to a full glass, you have to pour out some from it”. So, the best way to learn is to teach others. By doing so successfully, with constant support from the idialogue team, our Mentors not only develop personal leadership, learn new things and expand their network of acquaintances, but also strengthen their brand and market awareness as a successful professional. Is it time?

I want to become a Mentor What does a Mentor need?