Mentorship area
During work hours I am doing my best as Training Specialist at Intrum. In the meantime, I am deepening my marketing knowledge at VU as a bachelor's student.
In addition, I am a longtime member of youth NGOs, a mentor at my faculty, and a mentee of great leaders of their industries. Currently - President of the first remote Rotaract club in Lithuania.
Factually speaking:
Global Marketing student at Vilnius University
Mentor at iDialogue
President-elect of Rotaract E-Club "Unitum"
Training Specialist at Intrum.
You can approach me if you are interested in PR; brand building for a young person; NGOs management and development; youth politics and policies; advocacy;
Su mentoriumi darbas vyko produktyviai, buvo gilinamasi į išsikeltų problemų priežastingumą, analizuojamos situacijos, ieškoma alternatyvių sunkumų sprendimų. Mentorius negailėjo laiko mentee tobulėjimui ir dalinosi savo patirtimi. Šį mentorių rekomenduočiau motyvuotam, komunikabiliam ir nebijančiam drąsiai reikšti savo nuomonę žmogui.