There will come a time when you'll feel that you have to read these books or... Mentors will come along who will tell you that these books are really worth your time. We're sharing book recommendations from our seasoned geeks, don't miss out!
Jolita Budrienė recommends:
Full Stack Recruiter by J. Tegze is the most comprehensive and insightful sourcing and recruiting guide on the market.
E. Berne "Games that people play" - reveals the mechanics of "games" in which people traumatize and emotionally exploit each other. The principles described in the book help you understand and correct your behavior and teach you to recognize and not get involved in harmful manipulations in interpersonal relationships.
M. Gladwell's "Outliers" is not just another book about how to make a million. Rather it is the opposite - a book about why you still haven't made a million. The author reveals that extraordinary success stories are achieved not at all with intelligence and ambition, but with the development of seemingly insignificant circumstances in life.
Greta Skripkutė recommends:
D. Acemoğlu & J. A. Robinson "The Narrow Corridor" - a book about freedom in the context of society and state relations.
Tomas Ivanaitis recommends:
A. de Saint-Exupéry's "The Little Prince" is a book worth reading for a lifetime about a boy from another planet and his interplanetary travels, and at the same time a wise story about human destiny, friendship, loneliness and solitude.
Paulina Ašakaitė recommends:
J. E. Young & J. S. Klosk "Escape from the trap" - have you noticed that in certain life situations we behave as if we were programmed? We cling to people, we make high demands on ourselves, we give priority to the needs of others rather than our own. The authors of this book, famous US psychologists and doctors of philosophy, offer a new strategy that allows you to easily change your personality and get closer to the kind of self you want to be.
M. Beattie's "(Non)dependents" - this book introduces codependent people who are too inclined to control others.
Vilma Skrypnikovaitė recommends:
D. Coyle's "Culture Code" - reviews the world's most successful organizations and shows why they thrive. The author demystifies the process of creating corporate culture by identifying three essential abilities and skills that help to establish mutual connection and bring people together as if they are guided by a single mind.
Aurimas Vilkaitis recommends:
V. E. Frankl's "Man searches for meaning" is a wonderful book, the time will come when you will have to read it and understand the pursuit of meaning, orientation towards the realization of life goals, creativity, imagination, intuition, the ability to love and hear the voice of conscience. V. E. Frankl called his psychological theory logotherapy - a system that helps a person search for the meaning of his life and discover it.
Simonas Gaušas recommends:
"New Earth" by E. Tolle - the author shows how to overcome the limits of ego-controlled consciousness. This is not only an essential condition for a happy life, but also a step that people will take to end the world's conflicts and suffering.
Want more book recommendations? Read 10 books that idialogue Mentors recommend you to hurry to read | 7th edition.